Thursday, August 21, 2008

A Journey of a Thousand Steps

Mika's Note: Have I ever told you how much I like to lie to myself?  LOL  But seriously, I needed to write something and this just popped out.  Mind you, it's all true.  Well, all except the power guy.  My meter's read remotely. LOL  But um, well, I did fall flat on my face across the front seat of my truck this morning.  *sigh*  Just a day in the life...

A Journey of a Thousand Steps…

(August 21, 2008)

begins with a fall. Or so I had heard and never really believed.

I woke up feeling ill. My annual summer cold, I figured, so I gargled with some high octane mouthwash and headed downstairs to feed my fuzzball of a hamster and get ready for work. I packed my lunch, grabbed my cell phone, my mp3 player and my book. After dumping my stuff in the passenger’s seat, I climbed into the driver’s side, dropped my phone into the cup holder and went on my way.

Halfway to my morning fix I realized I’d forgotten my wallet. Damn! I turned the truck around and headed back home. Luckily, I wasn’t far.

Grumbling, I stumbled into the house, grabbed my wallet and almost ran into the meter reader. Was it time for the power to be read again already? I cringed at the thought. “Sorry,” I mumbled, embarrassed but not surprised by my clumsiness.

Sighing, I tugged on the door and proceeded to climb in… only to have my foot slip off the running board. My foot loosing traction caused my shin to bash against the runner and my knee to become close friends with the edge of the truck. Being the ever-so-graceful person that I am, I flew face-first into the bench seat of my Dodge, smacking my head on the steering wheel.

Lovely. Just. Freaking. Lovely.

Rubbing my head, I regained my composure and pulled myself to my feet. Looking up, I gazed right into the deep brown eyes of the power guy. He stifled a laugh, I could tell. “Yeah?” I asked.

“You okay?” Yeah, he WAS laughing. Jerk.

“Um, yeah. I meant to do that.”

“Okay… if you say so.”

“I do.”

“Be safe then.”

Yeah. As if. But before I could comment, he turned and walked down the driveway to his truck, shoulders shaking at my expense.

Darn him anyway.

Just wait until next month.

1 comment:

Robin Snodgrass said...

Ok, I'm rolling here. Great one!

And at least you fell into the truck instead of out of it. That would have been a lot more painful after all.