Saturday, August 16, 2008

Blood Love

Up until I hit high school, I'd always written short stories.  I'm just too long-winded to even consider writing anything shorter. However, you know how teens are and it seemed like everyone around me was writing poetry.  And, while I enjoy a good poem, I'd never tried to write any.  Um, well, now I know why.  Found a notebook with a bunch of things I'd written back then and as I get them typed up and saved to disk, I'll share them here.  Maybe. LOL  Before you laugh, check the date - I wasn't quite 15 yet. LOL

~A rather embarrassed, Mika

Blood Love


Slowly we drink

Our special red wine

From long-stemmed crystal glasses

A single drop floats gently

Gently down your chin

We glance up, our eyes meet

And we smile

Our long sharp fangs

Glisten in the moonlight

1 comment:

Robin Snodgrass said...

Hey, there's absolutely nothing wrong with this poem! I like it!